Wild Weasel's Sunfire GT

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It was a sad day when the WeaselMobile met her unfortunate end after a meet at Jack Astors by the Colossus theatre in Mississauga. Her memory will live on but on the bright side, she kept me in one piece and completely uninjured.

Even though she's gone, her memory lives on.
Car of the month on j-body.org for February, 2001.

Today (September 17th, 2000) I entered the WeaselMobile in her first ever competition car show. Completely against any expectations, she came away with first place in her class. The show was the final Show and Shine being presented by the J-Body Club of Ontario (JCO) and was held at NoyzBoyz at the corner of Kennedy and Danforth Rd. I was just able to slip into the stock category for 3rd generation j-bodies which is probably what gave me the chance to win. The competition for the semi-modified cars was fierce! Here's a couple pics of her with her first award. The plaque is as follows:


The rest is just a bunch of pics of the WM2 over her short lifespan.

Here's how the supercharger will look in my engine bay if
GM releases it at a price that I might somehow afford.

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